Muslim Community Association (MCA)
Press Release
Date: 14.10.2024
London, UK
MCA Announces Successful completion of Annual General Meeting, AGM.
Alhamdulillah, The Muslim Community Association (MCA) successfully hosted AGM on 13.10.2024 in London.The event was an annual gathering of it’s members.
Key Highlights from the Event:
* Yearly activities report: AGM discussed the progress of activities against agreed objectives and goals and set up priorities in the coming months. Besides central management committee, executive committee, advisory council members and shoora council members, Br Harunur Rashid, central president of Muslim Ummah of North America (MUNA) was present as a chief guest.
Event was a showcase of how activities contributed to MCA’s mission and benefited the community.
* AGM highlighted community engagement activities and stressed it has the potential to contribute a lot in mainstreaming the MCA by building partnership with mainstream organisations and, also through introducing impactful services.
* AGM welcomed number of new members, awarded certificates to youths for their key achievements and discussed progress of education and training facilities.
MCA President Barrister Hamid Hossain Azad praises Allah almighty and said we are grateful for the continued support of our members and volunteers, without them we would have not been able to achieve anything.
Furthermore,This year was a year of learning, consolidation and improvement. The reporting period ended on 30th May 2024 go from strength to strength. We started our session with a motto to improve and strengthen MCA’s internal environment by adopting a motto, “MCA a vehicle for Jannah, Ikhlas is our fuel, brotherhood is or driver”.
MCA is moving towards right direction, alhamdulillah. We have many challenges, but opportunities are much more than challenges. Moreover, our experience shows that no challenges come to our ways without a better opportunity with increased efficiency efficiency we will be able to travel faster band achieve more, isha’Allah.
About the Muslim Community Association (MCA)
MCA is a grassroots social organisation set up to encourage and facilitate Muslims to be active participants in the society to benefit all members of humanity. It organises members to seek the pleasure of Allah through worship of Him and service to humanity. MCA aims to bring about spiritual, moral and social renewal through the values enshrined in the Islamic faith.